Over the course of several episodes, the lives of four best friends Ella (Emely Cox), Cecile (Johanna Wokalek), Lulu (Maite Kelly) and Silke (Marie Burchard) are well and truly turned on their heads. Their dogs are getting in on the act too: When Ella is left by her boyfriend she adopts a boxer cross, who turns her daily routine upside down and, despite her resistance, also brings her new happiness. Cecile is sliding towards a marriage crisis – but gentle dog Simpson manages to restore family peace.
And catlover Lulu dates a bizarre doglover – a daring enterprise. Professional dog trainer Silke on the other hand gets on wonderfully with her fourlegged friends – it’s just people she has a problem with.
Proving that dogs can be a woman’s best friend too, WUFF is a huge lot of fun for everyone, not just for dog lovers!